Monday, 16 December 2013

Finally an update!

God Kväll!
We're very near to the two month limit (yeah that's actually when we last posted!), so we HAVE to post something.
So what has happened since the last time? Well we drove our way up north to Sweden, with stops at Florence, Italy to Innsbruck, Austria then to Hanover, Germany, and a "coffee" break in Denmark.
After the trip was over we arrived in a small town, Lomma, and moved into a little light blue cottage (yay!), where we plan to stay for a while, so yes, we managed to take the brave step to finally live together!
We know that this is not what we would call a major update as far as size is concerned, but more will come, promise, a bit later though, since we have lots of photos that we have to go through and make a somewhat decent (and fair) selection.
Bye for now!

Picture: Isabella

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